This Chapter of The Radical Wesley is mostly about Wesley's travels to America coming out of the Holy Club at Oxford. My wife took this picture when we visited Oxford This is where the term Methodist was derived from his detractors calling names. It was a term to make fun of them for being so methodical. "The members of the Club spent an hour, morning and evening, in private prayer. At nine, twelve, and three o'clock they recited a collect, and at all times they examined themselves closely, watching for signs of grace, and trying to preserve a high degree of religious fervour... they frequently consulted their Bibles, and they noted in cipher [that is, coded] diaries, all the particulars of their daily employment. One hour each day was set apart for meditation... They fasted twice a week, observed all the feasts of the Church and received the sacraments every Sunday." Do we know anyone like this? Who takes the faith so seriously? Part of me yearns for something...