Stepping Out on my Own...

This blog has been a long time coming. And like all things, there must be a genesis! Whether it turns into an online public/ private diary of thoughts on faith, grace, and community or a thriving bee hive in which that community can bounce ideas around and discuss these topics has yet to be determined (by you). But know that this will search out truth, test boundaries and pre-conceived notions, ideas, traditions, judgments, and actively pursue justice and holiness alongside all the grace we can gather from the source of real grace; Christ Jesus our Lord!

It is here and now that I make my stand to move outwardly. It is here that I live out loud with all my faults and dreams and ideas (both wrong and right). I will not cower any longer behind my youth or inexperience or people-pleasing attitude. It is here that I will act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with my God. I will unashamedly preach Christ in defense of the poor and downtrodden. I will, at the same time (which seems to be a passing phase these days), uphold scriptural holiness but also knowing that "there is no holiness but social holiness!" (Wesley).

This does not mean that I am closed to ideas and thoughts different then mine. Quite contrary, I welcome all discussion as it is how we grow. I will be firm but kind and loving. I may be wrong but that is what searching is all about.

May the God of courage and brotherhood rest here and may we come to see His ways. May there always be peace and our relationship take precedent over all else. May we be able to be wrong to keep relatively a good amount of peace between us and may we all love one another and we are being loved and love ourselves.


  1. Just a friend and fellow reader of Nadia's stopping by to say hi and welcome to the blog-o-sphere, or welcome to your space. Blessings to you.

  2. Thank you so much for the comment and I look forward to continuing on with Nadia and in this and whatever the future brings... Thanks for the blessings, I take all I can get.


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