On the Neutrality of Stuff and Guns
We live in this post-enlightenment age. American Christians stereotypically fight the sciences. But we are shaped by this nonetheless. We look at stuff as neutral, having no value in an of itself. But our parents in the faith viewed things differently. Rich foods like dairy, meats, desserts were eaten during feasts and abstained from during fasts. They were thought to make us too comfortable here. Making this earth our home and not the Kingdom. They do. Money always comes to mind. We think it is a value-neutral object corrupting only corruptible people. The saints always saw its potential for evil. Even Jesus calls it "deceitful" and compares it to a false god. "Get rid of it lest it find a way to my heart." TV, technology, media We consume to be consumed. Vegging out to "rest" (read: escape). But to our forebearers, everything brings us closer to or pushes us further from Christ. Neutral things and neutral time are not good. they im...