Jesus for President: Section @, Part 3

Here is another excerpt from Jesus for President:
"...we find that Paul offered a biting critique of power and a creative path of revolutionary love. We might remember Paul urging his friend Philemon to illegally welcome back home a fugitive slave, Onesimus, as a brother, instead of killing him for running away. This is a scandalous subversion of Roman hierarchy. Paul was just as radical as Jesus. Remember that the Paul who "be subject to the authorities" is the same Paul who was stoned, exiled, jailed, and beaten for subverting the authorities... Is it possible to submit and to subvert? Paul's life gives a clear yes, as does Jesus' crucifixion" (Jesus For President, 161).
"And years later, as the love affair between church and empire grew more intimate, the emperor Theodosius proclaimed Christianity as the state religion of the empire, making it a crime not to be a Christian. That's when things got even messier. The first recorded instance of Christians killing pagans occured shortly after, and before long, the militant church conquered lands and people throughout Europe, compelling them to be baptized or die. Under Theodosius' decrees, temples from other religions were ordered to be destroyed, if not just declared abandoned, to be renovated and reused later as Christian temples. And those who had formerly renounced the sword now filled the Roman army; every Roman soldier would be required to be a Christian... Moving from persecuted to persecutor, the church had become the church militant and triumphant. The kingdom of God that been known through a king who rules with a towel, a donkey, and a cross had become the empire of Christendom. In the name of the one who taught us to love our enemies, the church burned its enemies alive" (JfP, 163).
Let us see our problem, repent and change. A healthcare program is awesome, but not our main focus. We need to remember our first love and the Answer of our hope. Protesting for wordly power in a way Jesus would have dreamed about is just crazy and hurting the church. You who are fighting for America, have pledged allegiance to the wrong kingdom. More on this kingdom next time. Just a hint though, it is one of the most explicit (sexual and revolutionary) scripture passages I have ever heard.
Just got back from Spirit West Coast. David Crowder was so good!
Just got back from camping with the youth. Great foundation laying!
Was greeted by:
- My iTouch and Macbook pro (this coupled with my iMac act work means I have officially become that guy and am expecting my Prius, Black-rimmed glasses, and Starbucks frequent visitor card to come soon.)
- Erik and Amanda Scofield had their baby boy. Ari is doing well and we expect them home very soon!
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