Jesus for President (JFP): Section ! Part 2

It says:
"One of the most exciting of the Sabbath laws was applied every seven years. Just like the Hebrew people were supposed to refrain from working every seventh day so that their land, animals, and servants could rest (a marked contrast to their overworked life in Egypt), every seventh year, the Hebrew people had a celebration called the Jubilee (named after the jovel, a ram's horn that sounded to herald the remission), during which during which they would take the whole year off of work. During this one-year break, all the food that continued to grow in their fields was free for the taking for families who were struggling to get by (Exodus 23:10). And any debt that folks incurred during the last six years was erased. These laws ensured that those in society who were intent on getting ahead had to take a break so that the gap between the rich and the poor would be kept to a minimum. It is almost impossible for us to grasp how wildly countercultural (and difficult) this economic practice really was. God's idea for this peculiar people was that there be "no poor people among you" (Deut. 15:4) which was a very different way of life for these former slaves.
And if that weren't enough to keep a society from going off-kilter, God threw in one more practice - one giant celebration to be celebrated every 49th/50th year (seven times seven). It was called the Jubilee of Jubilee - God's comprehensive unilateral restructuring of the community's assets to remind Israel that all property and land belonged to God, and that they must never return to a system of slavery (Lev. 25:42). The Jubilee of Jubilee aimed to dismantle structures of social-economic inequality by releasing each community member from debt (Lev. 25:35-42), returning encumbered or forfeited land to its original owners (25:13, 25-28), and freeing slaves (25:47-55). Some might call it a regularly scheduled revolution." (Jesus for President, p. 59).This idea excites me beyond belief. No one owns really anything longer than 50 years. No debts, no hunger, no work on every 7th year. No poor and minimal inequality. God is so good and we are so awful. If only we could see His way and not be so selfish.
You can read about the Jubilee in the original scripture: Leviticus 25: 8-55!
Blessings and Peace!
The idea of Jubile is awesome. GOD is good
ReplyDeleteand knows what we need.
I just don't understand the scriptural leaps you make. You say "God' idea for this particular people was that there be 'no poor people among you' (Deut. 15:4)". The Bible says
"Except whn there may be no poor people among you" (NKJV). The scripture is referring to a "release of debts" (deut. 15:1). Your reference is to "this particular people". Given that rich people can hae debts, and the lack of "poor people" being an exception, how do you come to the above concluion.
Next, you say that Jubilee was to "remind Israel
that all property and land belonged to God". I don't disagree about GO's ownership, however, please give scripture to support your claim that this was a "reminder".
Lastly, Lev. 25:42 says "For they are my servats,whom I brought out of the land of Egypt; they shall not be sold as saves". Given
that this scripture clearly is speaking about
Israelites, and not selling them in to slavery,
saying nothing about theapproval or disapproval of slavery, how do you make he leap that Gd is saying (through this specific scripture) that
"they must never return to a system of slavery.
I don't complettely disagree with yor post, however I don't se how the scripture that you use upports your conclusions.
Dave Widener
Hi Dave,
ReplyDeleteThis thing "(Jesus for President, p. 59)" at the end of a quotation is a reference. I did not write it. I am reading it in a book called Jesus for President.
I do not understand what you are saying in your first critique. Deuteronomy 15:4 (NIV), "However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you." There are two things interesting about this passage. The Lord says it in context of Jubilee which means something, but he also makes it independent of Jubilee. He says there is to be no poor because he is going to bless them and their land, nothing to do with jubilee. He just wants there to be no poor.
As far as the reminder, "The LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai, 'Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the LORD'... 'For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you'... 'The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants.'" (Verses taken from Leviticus 25, including 1, 2, 12, 23). All of these are reminders.
Slavery was not to be institutional and forever. All servants were to be released in the jubilee of jubilees (Leviticus 25:54) and there are many other limiting rules.
Now Dave. If you are here to enter into a mutual conversation, then ok, but I feel you have a non-unifying and critical spirit. This isn't our first debate and I know you are smarter than this nit-picking style and overlooking that I didn't write this (though it is all true). Let us be more intentional about our comments and have more peace and Christian Character.
If I am wrong, I apologize.
Blessings and Peace!
Jaymes, let's start at the end. You end with a personal attack "I feel you have a non-unfying
ReplyDeleteand critical spirit"?
As for Deut. 15:4l let's start with verse 3 "of a foreigner you may require it; but you shall give
up your claim to what is owed by your brother".
V4 "Except when there may be no poor among you;
for the Lord will greatly bless you in the land wich the Lord your God is giving you to posess
as an inheritance-" NKJV. After reading the verse from the NKJV, what I'm saying should make sense. I know that seeing what the NIV says gives a little more clarity to the above conclusion for me.
As for my second point, thank you for the scripture.
As for my last point, my critique, if you will, was of the use of Lev. 25:42. I'm now not sure what the NIV says exactly, however the NKJV says what I've quoted above. Although, looking back at my typing, I can only hope it's understanable.
I apologize for attributing these writings to you. I know that you agree with them and I understand the process of coming to those conclusions.
Lastly, your final comments seemed to have an air of patronization to to them. I hope that this was not your intent.
Love in Christ
I do have a personal critique (attack) of you and expressed it in the last paragraph, away from any argument or debate. My critique is serious and therefore I intentionally left it out of argument which is completely acceptable and warranted.
ReplyDeleteI understand what the NKJV says. I used scripture from the NIV as did the author.
Saying that you are smarter then the level you are stooping to, may seem like a backhanded compliment, or patronization, but I assure you I do believe you are intelligent, but I also believe your are being argumentative for argumentative's sake. If this is not so, again apologize.
Thank you for you post....
You set a standard, not wrongly, of using scripture to support a thesis. When I read said scripure and don't see the support, is it being
ReplyDeleteargumentative to question the supporting scripture used. I may have missed it, but I don't see any reference to the NIV in your original post. You have made a point of your differenec with the Christian right, of whom I am a member. I merely am trying to understand the basis of this disagreement. To that end, I will question your reasoning.
In a nutshell. I read your original post about Jubilee. I saw the scriptures with no reference to Biblical version. I read the scriptures in the NKJV. I saw no corellation between what I was reading and wha was being put forth. So,
naturally, I had questions. Is this what you define as argumentative?
Love in Christ,
ok... sorry. I will take your word for it. I just told you what I was feeling.
ReplyDeleteBless you and your curiosity. I pray it find you many good things.
It is weird the differences in NIV and NKJV...
Thanks and sorry again!
Also, please accept my unqualified apologies for my part in how our other discussion turned out.
ReplyDeleteLove in Christ,