Christians and Defending Possessions!

There is something that I have been lamenting over. It has simultaneously made me sad and yet an anger shut in my bones like fire needing to get out. It is this, and this may be the harshest I have ever said anything: You cannot be a Christian and believe it is ok to kill someone over possessions! I will not make the same argument for gun ownership. I would rather people not own guns, but I don't see this conflicting with being a Christian. But holding the position that it is ok to kill someone in the defense of possessions is absolutely contradictory to the teachings of Christ and the church. "My next door neighbor wants to BAN all GUNS! Their house is NOT ARMED! Out of RESPECT for their opinions I promise NOT to use MY GUNS to PROTECT THEM" I am not thinking of anyone specifically, but I have seen numerous pictures and words on facebook from Christians, of all people - those who are supposed to be "little Christs," that have expressed this exact...